"I know the biggest crime / is just to throw up your hands / saying 'this has nothing to do with me / I just want to live as comfortably as I can.
You got to look outside your eyes / you got to think outside your brain / you got to walk outside your life / to where the neighborhood changes." (From Willing to Fight, by Ani Difranco)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Update 2: August 27, 2008

Hey all,

We're still alive here out in Madupai, Tamil Nadu! Whoo-hoo!

The kids here are super polite. Too polite. British polite. When you ask, "How are you?" they stand up and say, "Fine, ma'am."

I've beaten that out of them. When I walk into the classroom and I ask, "How are you?" they stand up and say, "We're FANTASTIC!" I love it!

Anyways, a few useless updates:
1. The kids are beautiful. All 20 of them.
2. I'm in love with them.
3. I'm getting better learning all of their names, but only short names, because I'm terrible with names.
4. Today we did higher education planning-- the principal spoke for awhile, then we did some talk about service work. Tomorrow we do a community service project at a temple!
5. My co-coordinator in India, Mr. Arumugam, is amazing and I'm alittle in love with him, too. He studied social work, so you can see in his freakin' eyes that he loves doing this stuff.
6. I'm so thankful for Eamon Conklin. I'm glad he is on this trip. We've been taking film and photography like crazy-- lots of good photos to be seen when we return. He's sitting next to me now, singing Bright Eyes. Good traveling companion.
7. Internet is sketchy as hell. So is international calling.
8. Indian food is growing on me. So are saris.
9. Mosquitos are NOT growing on me. I'm really bitten up. C'est la vie.
10. Again, kids are incredible. So much to say.
11. We had an hour long prayer service this morning. It hurt to sit for that long. Felt frustrated that I couldn't do the cross-legged thing so well, but, c'est la vie to that, too.
12. They opened student canteen today! AND they let us be the "special guests" at the opening ceremony! AND they let me cut the ribbon!

Thanks for all the kind emails and "inspiration." I have so many pictures I want to show-- sometime soon, I hope.

Love and faith your way!


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Samantha Wilson's Coordinating Notes

This page is a continuous blog by Samantha Wilson that will serve as a space for updating the process of the Child Leader Project and the experience with international community organizing-- it'll be a space for notes, ideas, ramblings, videos and photos of the life-long process of organizing.

To comment, email samantha@childleaderproject.org