"I know the biggest crime / is just to throw up your hands / saying 'this has nothing to do with me / I just want to live as comfortably as I can.
You got to look outside your eyes / you got to think outside your brain / you got to walk outside your life / to where the neighborhood changes." (From Willing to Fight, by Ani Difranco)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Update 3: August 30, 2008

Our first day

Hello everyone!

Just another update from India!

We finished our work at the school! The program went well and the kids enjoyed it: they described us as "kind of like teachers... but kind of like us!" And this is exactly what we wanted: something dialogue-based where the thinking and doing was in the hands of the students. They studied conflict resolution, values-based leadership, higher education, and a service project!

For their service project, we cleaned the steps of a temple on the top of this beautiful, green hill. The kids carried brooms and baskets and spent an hour in the sun cleaning the steps. It ended in a water-fight of sorts-- which was a blast! The kids were really taken back by the experience: many had never done a "service project" before, and many were talking about social work by the end of the week.

The Leadership Team: "LIGHT OF INDIA!"

I will return to the school in two or three weeks and do more planning with the students. They will be operating as a leadership organization until I return in December. The name of the organization (they voted) is "The Light of India." They will be focusing on environmental issues (planting trees and awareness programs on plastics), distributing free note books to poorer children in the area, and cleaning public spaces.

But, for now, we're going to the coast! We need a break! We will be spending three days in Pondicherry before Aniee and I return to help the bank and finish up our meetings. After Aniee leaves, I will be focusing entirely on my thesis research on micro finance as a platform for social change.

I love you all-- again, thank you for the emails! It is such a joy to open my account and see your names! Really-- thank you.

Hope you enjoy the pictures!

With love,

In our classroom, last day.

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Samantha Wilson's Coordinating Notes

This page is a continuous blog by Samantha Wilson that will serve as a space for updating the process of the Child Leader Project and the experience with international community organizing-- it'll be a space for notes, ideas, ramblings, videos and photos of the life-long process of organizing.

To comment, email samantha@childleaderproject.org