"I know the biggest crime / is just to throw up your hands / saying 'this has nothing to do with me / I just want to live as comfortably as I can.
You got to look outside your eyes / you got to think outside your brain / you got to walk outside your life / to where the neighborhood changes." (From Willing to Fight, by Ani Difranco)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Notes from a recent CLP India Volunteer Training...

CLP India Curriculum: “What can we create together?”

  • Space for the revolutionaries

  • Meaningful, relevant education that can be applied to real-life

  • Conversations with parents, teachers and the community

  • Emphasis on “mutual transformation”

  • Students are not numbers, know them as human beings

  • Youth-led activities and organizing whenever possible

  • Students as experts

  • Reclaim IZZAT in a “CLP” way

  • “How” of learning for students, more than memorization (include all ways of learning)

  • Addressing issues that can't be addressed at home or in a “typical” classroom

  • Remember-- you are NOT alone! (Many others are dealing with these issues-- build community)

  • Remember to emphasize “values” and the “universalisms of learning”

  • Develop a “culture” and set of life-tools that can be used, comfortably or fluidly, in their lives beyond CLP programs-- we are the “mayonnaise” on a sandwich of their lives (make it tasty, work in the system and daily life)

  • Be real as facilitators and co-learners-- use y(our) stories

  • Role play for practice, to make it something our bodies actually do

  • Inclusivity of all people involved

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Samantha Wilson's Coordinating Notes

This page is a continuous blog by Samantha Wilson that will serve as a space for updating the process of the Child Leader Project and the experience with international community organizing-- it'll be a space for notes, ideas, ramblings, videos and photos of the life-long process of organizing.

To comment, email samantha@childleaderproject.org