"I know the biggest crime / is just to throw up your hands / saying 'this has nothing to do with me / I just want to live as comfortably as I can.
You got to look outside your eyes / you got to think outside your brain / you got to walk outside your life / to where the neighborhood changes." (From Willing to Fight, by Ani Difranco)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

[CLP-Interns] Reflection Entry (Jan 24, 2011)

18 January 2011

For next week's reflection (Monday, January 24 from 6:30-8:30), I would like you to watch this 19-minute TED talk on the Slow Movement.


One of the CLP Core skills is our ability "to hold process as important, if not more important, than product."

What insights do you make regarding going slowly and "quality"-- quality of life, quality of relationship, of work, etc? Consider your pace (personally, socially, academically, in CLP, etc). Why that pace? What does it mean to you? Where has it "taken" you?

Slowness | quality | process | outcome| participation | attentive | prepared | fully present

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Samantha Wilson's Coordinating Notes

This page is a continuous blog by Samantha Wilson that will serve as a space for updating the process of the Child Leader Project and the experience with international community organizing-- it'll be a space for notes, ideas, ramblings, videos and photos of the life-long process of organizing.

To comment, email samantha@childleaderproject.org